Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе

Материал опубликован 2 February 2020 в группе

Логинова Людмила Иванована, учитель английского языка МОУ «Головинская СОШ» Белгородского района Белгородской области

Работа для участия в конкурсе: Всероссийский конкурс педагогического мастерства для школьных учителей «Контрольная работа в формате тестирования по английскому языку»

6 класс

Listen the text, complete the table.


Jane is an English girl. She lives in the country. She has three pets. She likes them very much.

They are cats. Their names are Sooty, Smoky, and Tiger. One is white, one is black and one is black and white. The name of the white cat is not Sooty. Sooty is not black and white and Tiger is not black and white.

Cat’s colour

Cat’s name


black and white






Read the story.

Too Many Pets.

Dick was a little boy who lived on a farm. He wanted a pet. He wanted it more than anything on earth.

When Dick’s birthday came, his father gave him a puppy as a present. Dick was pleased. Then his granny came and brought him a cat and a hen. Dick was happy.

Uncle Bill came with a bird. Aunt Molly had two rabbits for Dick. Two friends came with a dog and a duck. Dick’s dream had come true.* He had pets.

Dick was busy all the time. Father showed Dick how to feet pets.

All the next day Dick had fun as he took care of his new pets. But that night he was tired.

The second day Dick was so sleepy that he got up late. When he was eating his breakfast he could hear his dog and duck. So after he ate, he hurried out to feed them. The pets were all hungry.

When Dick had fed his pets it was already lunchtime. After he put water in the watering pans and cleaned the rabbits’ house.

At the end of the day Dick was so tired that he went to sleep right after he ate.

It was very hard to get up on the third day. “I wanted a pet to play with,” Dick said at breakfast. “Now I have so many pets that it takes all my time to care of them. There is no time left to play.”


* Dick’s dream had come true. – Мечта Дика осуществилась.

Choose the correct ending to each sentence.

Dick wanted to have a pet because:

he thought it was fun to take care of it;

he thought it was nice to play with;

he liked to watch animals.

Dick was happy when he got pets because:

his dream had come true;

he liked to get presents;

they were many.

Dick was very tired because:

he did not sleep after dinner;

it took all his time to look after his pets;

nobody helped him.

Dick had to get up very early every morning because:

his pets did not let him sleep;

his dog started barking;

he knew that his pets were hungry and must feed them.

3.1. Fill in the article (a / an or the) where it’s necessary.

1) … D. Defoe is … famous English writer.

2) My father is … musician. His friends are … musicians too.

3) ... Second World War began in 1939.

4) Last Summer … Mary visited … Great Britain and … USA.

5) We spent all money because we stayed at … most expensive hotel in town.

Put the verbs in the correct tense.

                   Dear Ann.

be               Well, here I_______in the UK.

come           I _______ten days ago and now

live             I ___________with a very nice English  family.

be               English people ________kind and friendly

be               I _______already_______to London.

be               Next week I _____in Scotland.

write           I _____ to you from there.

                                      With best wishes,



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